Home Of Martha Washington Descendants - Tudor Place

The Federal-style mansion, built in 1815, in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington D.C. was originally the home of Thomas and Martha Parke Custis Peter. Martha was a granddaughter of Martha Washington and the Peters hosted the Marquis de Lafayette during his 1824 tour of the United States. The second and longest owners of the property was Britannia Wellington Peter Kennon who inherited the house following Martha Peter’s death in 1854. Over time she sold off portions of the original estate. Armistead Peter Jr. and his siblings were left Tudor Place following Britannia’s death. Armistead bought out his siblings and upon his death passed to his son, Armistead III. Following his death in 1983, the house and grounds were opened to the public in 1988.

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What you should know:

  • You can walk the grounds and the gardens.

  • You could spend a couple of hours here.

  • Restrooms are available.

  • On the street parking is available, some metered. Check posted parking regulations signs.

  • Tickets can be purchased online and in person.

  • Home tours are guided.

  • Garden tours are self-guided.

  • Check website for days and hours of operation; and any special events.

Location: 1644 31st Street NW, Washington, DC. 20007

For more information: Tudor Place


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