One Of The Oldest Houses On Charleston’s High Battery - Edmondston-Alston House

This Federal-style house was constructed at 21 East Battery for Scottish shipping merchant, Charles Edmondston in 1825. It was one of the first substantial houses to be built along the city’s sea wall away from the warehouses. The Panic of 1837 forced Edmondston to sell the house to a member of the Low Country rice planting industry, Charles Alston. He made alterations to the house, updating the architecture in the Greek style.

Unfortunately, interior photography is prohibited.

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What you should know:

  • House interior photography is prohibited since the family still resides in parts of the house.

  • Mansion tours are guided.

  • You could spend 1 - 1.5 hours here.

  • Tickets can be purchased on-line or in-preson. You might want to purchase an Essential Charleston Passport which will get you into eight historical Charleston attractions. This can be purchased on-line, and will save you a couple of bucks.

  • Restrooms are available.

  • On the street parking is available nearby, some metered; check posted parking regulations signs.

  • The house is managed by the Middleton Place Foundation which is connected by family tiles to the Middleton Place plantation.

  • Check website for days and hours of operation.

Location: 21 East Battery, Charleston, SC 29401

For more information: Edmondston-Alston House


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