The Florida Home Of The Circus King - Ca’ d’Zan

The Ringlings had been traveling through Europe for about 25 years, acquiring circus acts, art and inspiration for there soon to be winter home on the Sarasota Bay. In 1924, one of America’s wealthiest couples, started building a 36,000 square-foot mansion called Ca’ d’Zan (meaning House of John). Mabel Ringling kept a portfolio she had filled with postcards, sketches and photos she collected during their travels and she oversaw every aspect during the construction. The fifty-five room mansion was completed shortly before Christmas 1926. Unfortunately, Mabel died a few years after the completion and John died in December, 1936. He bequeathed his estate to the people of Florida, but legal battles with creditors lasting 10 years left the mansion closed and not maintained until 1946, when it was opened to the public.

Ringling’s investments included oil, railroads and he founded the Bank of Sarasota in 1923. He was instrumental in the development of Sarasota through his real estate investments.

The mansion we see today has had several rounds of comprehensive restoration under the ownership of the University of Florida. It is a survivor and a glamorous icon of the Florida boom years of the 1920’s.

Here is what caught my eye; I hope you enjoy!

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What you should know:

  • Museum admission includes entry to the Museum of Art, Circus Museum, Bayfront Gardens, there is an additional fee to tour Ca’ d’Zan.

  • The grounds, circus museum and house are self-guided audio tours.

  • There are walking trails.

  • Restrooms are available.

  • There is a picnic area available.

  • The staff are friendly and informative.

  • Check website for days and hours of operation and any special events or exhibits.

  • There are a few dining options on-site.

  • You could spend a couple of hours to a full day exploring here, depending on you level of interest.

  • Tickets can be bought in person.

Location: 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, Florida. 34243

For more information: The Ringling


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