One Of America’s Oldest Cities - Richmond VA

In this post I highlight the downtown area, Church Hill and the Hollywood Cemetery.

Richmond is the capital of Virginia, and among America’s oldest cities. In the 1800’s, the downtown area was booming and played a major role in the slave trade. The area is rich in history, especially from the Civil War. As with many cities in the United States, Richmond experienced the slow yet massive move out into the suburban areas, forcing many businesses to move with them. The following decades saw an increase of banking and big business moving in.

Church Hill, is a quaint district named for St. John’s Church, and it is where Patrick Henry gave his 1775 “Give Me Liberty” speech. The Church Hill neighborhood experienced serious decline in the 1950’s, mostly because of absentee landlords. Out of concern for the area, the Historic Richmond Foundation was created in 1956, and outlined the area as a historic district.

Hollywood Cemetery is located next to Richmond, in Virginia’s Oregon Hill neighborhood, and has rolling hills, winding paths, the final resting place for Confederate army dead, and two United States Presidents. It’s name came from the holly trees dotting the hills of the grounds.

Here is what caught my eye, I hope you enjoy it!

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What you should know:

  • You could spend a couple of hours to an entire day.

  • Church Hill Historic District and the downtown areas are walkable.

  • On the street parking is available; check posted parking regulation signs.

  • There are many restaurant options.

  • There are a few small parks to enjoy in the Church Hill District and the downtown area.

For more information: Richmond VA


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