Brooklyn Shipyards And Pre-Civil War Warehouses - Red Hook

Today, Red Hook, Brooklyn is set against a backdrop of shipping yards and pre-Civil War warehouses and a mix of today’s edgy art galleries and trendy bar, cafes and restaurants. In the 1600’s this area was a major shipping and transportation center and this lasted through the the early part of the 19th century. During the late 19th and early 20th century the area experienced a period of decline. The area, like most Brooklyn neighborhoods, has experienced a resurgence and has developed into a vibrant and diverse neighborhood.

Here is what caught my eye; I hope you enjoy!

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What you should know:

  • There are walking paths along the waterfront.

  • It is not easy to get to by public transportation.

  • There are several restaurant and bar options.

  • Walking is great way of getting around.

  • On the street parking is available; check posted parking regulations signs.

For more information: Red Hook


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