Where The “Shot Heard ‘Round The World” - Concord, Massachusetts

Concord, Massachusetts offers a journey through American history and literature. This small town, played a significant role in shaping the nation's identity, particularly during the Revolutionary War and the literary movement of the 19th century. Minute Man National Historical Park, which commemorates the opening battle of the American Revolutionary War and visit the North Bridge, where "the shot heard 'round the world" was fired. There are historic homes of authors like Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau.

Here is what caught my eye; I hope you enjoy!

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What you should know:

  • The town is walkable, and it is a great way to get around.

  • There are also walking trails in the Minute Man National Historic Park. Check website for days / hours of operation and for any special events.

  • There are many restaurant options.

  • Public restrooms are available.

  • On the street parking is available; check post parking regulations signs.

  • You could spend a couple of hours to a few days exploring here. I, unfortunately did not leave myself enough time to fully explore all that is here. I did not realize how extensive it was and need to plan another trip back here.

For more information: Concord, MA


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