Cute Downtowns Kevin Durst Cute Downtowns Kevin Durst

Colorfully Painted Main Street - Tannersville NY

The unique colorful facades of Tannersville’s Main Street was the vision of local artist Elena Patterson. The Hunter Foundation implemented the “Paint Program” is supported by local residents and corporate sponsors. This all started back in 2003 and was seen as a prospect of Tannersville’s economic rebirth.

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Cute Downtowns Kevin Durst Cute Downtowns Kevin Durst

A Possible Site For Our Nation’s Capitol - Williamsport, MD

The Potomac River town of Williamsport was settled by General Otho Holland Williams following the American Revolution. General George Washington came to the area himself scouting the area as a possible location for out nation’s capital. The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal came to Williamsport in 1834, creating an important commercial route to Washington, D.C. and the Chesapeake Bay.

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